The Most Important Election Issue: Educational Freedom
Realize what the leftists hold dear . . . it is the control of our children. That is how the leftists will perpetuate their ideological agenda for generations to come.
Realize what the leftists hold dear . . . it is the control of our children. That is how the leftists will perpetuate their ideological agenda for generations to come.
The critical election cycle is just around the corner, and we must not allow what happened in 2020 to happen again. ACRU is focused on protecting the votes of our most vulnerable voters — senior citizens, group home residents, citizens abroad, the disabled, and our military.
Never forget the quote that many attribute to Josef Stalin, “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”
The motto of the U.S. Army is “This We’ll Defend.” In the modern Armed Services of the U.S. military, we all take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. That is what separates our military from all others in the world–the oath that we take. And truthfully, for us as veterans, that oath should never cease.
Biden and his terrorizing flying monkeys believe that the Thursday night speech was phenomenal, brilliant, and spot on.
There are times when we need to be reminded of where the real greatness of America lies. It is not with politicians, political pundits, and prognosticators, and it is certainly not with those who seek to fundamentally transform the greatest nation the world has ever known. But what has made America this great nation? It is simple—the men and women whom we may never know who will stand guard on freedom's ramparts and say, “sleep well, I am on watch.”
Let me first begin by stating that America is not a democracy; it is a constitutional republic. Matter of fact, in Article IV, Section 4 of our Constitution, known as the "Guarantee Clause," the federal government is supposed to guarantee to every State in the Union a "Republican form of government." Now, that does not mean a Republican party, but rather the form of governance associated with that of a Republic. As you recall, Benjamin Franklin when asked what form of government the founders created, replied "a republic, if you can keep it."
During the 2020 election cycle, we observed unconstitutional actions. Governors and judges in many states like Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Texas to name a few, made unconstitutional changes to election law. As we know, only the legislative branch are empowered to make laws at state and federal levels.
On April 19, 1775, some men took the field at Lexington Green. Those Sons of Liberty fired the shots heard around the world. They fought, and now we're the longest-running constitutional republic the world has ever known - these United States of America.
I pray everyone had a truly blessed Resurrection weekend; that is what this past weekend was about. It was about one person, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, laying down His life for us to have eternal life. Last week I was honored to narrate Haydn's string quartet, The Last Seven Words of Christ on the Cross. It was humbling to read and explain the meaning of Christ's final words spoken from the cross.As well, this weekend allowed me to reflect back on some other words, four of which are the title of this missive. They are words that some men and women have vowed over the years in America. They are the words that have committed these Americans to sacrifice and perhaps make the last full measure of devotion—to give their lives--so that others can have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.