ACRU Staff

About ACRU Staff

The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) is dedicated to defending the constitutional rights of all Americans. ACRU stands against harmful, anti-constitutional ideologies that have taken hold in our nation’s courts, culture, and bureaucracies. We defend and promote free speech, religious liberty, the Second Amendment, and national sovereignty.

Jason Snead: The Ranked-Choice Voting Virus Spreads To Utah

"A guinea pig.” That is what Sandy, Utah Mayor Monica Zoltanski said that “ranked-choice voting” (RCV) made of her hometown. The town opted into Utah’s controversial RCV pilot program, but the experiment has not gone well. The cost-saving promised by proponents never materialized, but the real alarm bells should have sounded when the experiment produced voter confusion and voter disengagement.Yet instead of ending this failed pilot program, Utah legislators are now considering a bill to expand ranked-choice voting to primary elections for state and federal office.

Ranked Choice Voting is a REAL Threat to Fair Elections

RCV’s signature promise is to deliver candidates that win true electoral majorities. But RCV’s version of “majority rule” is a mirage rendered by throwing out ballots and redistributing votes between candidates. In fact, so many ballots can be thrown out that winners sometimes do not secure a majority of the total votes cast in an election.

Von Spakovsky: Election Fraud Database Tops 1,400 Cases

The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database now includes 1,412 proven instances of election fraud, and our legal center is monitoring many other ongoing prosecutions. The database, which provides a sampling of recent election fraud cases, demonstrates the vulnerabilities within the electoral process and the need for reforms to secure free and fair elections for the American people.

NAACP head slams ranked choice voting, urges overhaul of board

The head of the NAACP in New York slammed the new ranked-choice voting system as “voter suppression” while calling for an overhaul of the bumbling New York City Board of Elections.“Ranked choice voting is not beneficial to minorities. It’s voter suppression,” Hazel Dukes, president of the NYS chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said Thursday in a phone interview.

Developing: Wisconsin Gableman Election Fraud Team Member Comes Forward with Damaging Evidence from 2020 Presidential Election

In a rare show of courage, conviction and commitment, a Team Member from the 2020 Wisconsin Gableman Election Fraud Investigation, came forward this week and is naming names and releasing details involving the election fraud that clearly affected the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election in Wisconsin.

Kari Lake insists she WILL become Governor of Arizona as AG raises polling day concerns

Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake has insisted she'll still become governor after the state's assistant attorney general demanded explanations to polling day issues before agreeing to certify Lake's Democrat rival's win.

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