
Ranked Choice Voting is Bad News!

Advocates are pushing Ranked-Choice Voting at nearly every local and state level. Why? Proponents claim that Ranked-Choice Voting allows voters to express their preferences for multiple candidates and ensures that the ultimate winner is the candidate with the most overall support rather than just the one with the most first-choice votes. While this may sound nice in theory, in practice, it’s a scheme allowing candidates with a minority of voter support to win through mathematical technicalities. Here's what you need to know about how Ranked-Choice Voting really works and the dangers it brings.

Live Free TV: What You Need to Know About Ranked Choice Voting

LTC Allen West welcomes Phil Izon from the Ranked Choice Education Association. After seeing firsthand the confusion caused by the system in Alaska, Phil decided to get involved. Listen in to learn how Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is confusing, challenging to audit and often leads to third-place candidates "winning." You might be surprised to discover who is behind the nationwide effort to make RCV the standard.

The Latest Election Scam: Ranked-Choice Voting

Have you ever wondered what happened in Alaska during the 2022 midterm election? How is it that a congressional district that had long been held by Republicans since 1971 was suddenly and inexplicably won by a Democrat? How is it that of the last three candidates standing — showcasing two Republican candidates and only one Democrat candidate — neither Republican candidate won that race?This phenomenon in Alaska can be explained by ranked-choice voting.

National Voter Registration Day: Making Sure Voter Registrations and Voter Rolls Are Accurate

American men and women have fought and died on battlefields across the world to preserve and protect our constitutional republic’s freedom to vote. National Voter Registration Day is a vital reminder for us to highlight the proper perspectives on voter registration and celebrate accurate, transparent, and accountable voter registration and voter rolls.

Jason Snead: Don’t Listen To Dem Hysteria — Everyone Can Agree On Election Integrity

No matter what they claim or how loudly they claim it, these voices do not speak for the majority of Americans. As recent polling conducted by Honest Elections Project Action shows beyond all doubt, an overwhelming bipartisan majority of Americans embrace commonsense voting laws that make it easy to vote and hard to cheat.

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