Voting Fraud News

The Latest Election Scam: Ranked-Choice Voting

Have you ever wondered what happened in Alaska during the 2022 midterm election? How is it that a congressional district that had long been held by Republicans since 1971 was suddenly and inexplicably won by a Democrat? How is it that of the last three candidates standing — showcasing two Republican candidates and only one Democrat candidate — neither Republican candidate won that race?This phenomenon in Alaska can be explained by ranked-choice voting.

National Voter Registration Day: Making Sure Voter Registrations and Voter Rolls Are Accurate

American men and women have fought and died on battlefields across the world to preserve and protect our constitutional republic’s freedom to vote. National Voter Registration Day is a vital reminder for us to highlight the proper perspectives on voter registration and celebrate accurate, transparent, and accountable voter registration and voter rolls.

Foreign Interference? How Non-Citizens Are Voting in American Elections

This month marks the 30th anniversary of President Bill Clinton signing the National Voter Registration Act into law. You probably know the law as "Motor Voter." It is the federal requirement that requires state motor vehicle offices to offer voter registration and the ability to update your address. Sounds convenient? Now, we have data showing one of the side effects of Motor Voter is to put non-citizens onto American voter rolls.

Biden’s DHS Reveals How It Plans To Interfere In U.S. Elections

In its latest attempt to interfere in the electoral process, the Biden administration announced on Monday that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is planning to award millions of taxpayer dollars to local governments throughout the country for so-called “election security” purposes.

Jason Snead: The Ranked-Choice Voting Virus Spreads To Utah

"A guinea pig.” That is what Sandy, Utah Mayor Monica Zoltanski said that “ranked-choice voting” (RCV) made of her hometown. The town opted into Utah’s controversial RCV pilot program, but the experiment has not gone well. The cost-saving promised by proponents never materialized, but the real alarm bells should have sounded when the experiment produced voter confusion and voter disengagement.Yet instead of ending this failed pilot program, Utah legislators are now considering a bill to expand ranked-choice voting to primary elections for state and federal office.

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