Hans von Spakovsky: This Supreme Court Ruling Will Prove Vital to Defending Voter ID
The Supreme Court’s important ruling last week on voter ID in North Carolina has been overlooked in the fervor over the high court’s spot-on decisions upholding the Second Amendment and religious freedom and overruling Roe v. Wade. But the court’s procedural decision Thursday in Berger v. NAACP will help prevent state officials from sabotaging the defense of state election laws and other measures being attacked by their political allies and friends.
Von Spakovsky: The Fraud that Dare Not Speak its Name
Dinesh D’Souza’s new documentary, 2,000 Mules, raises serious questions about possible skullduggery in the 2020 election, involving absentee ballots across multiple states. But neither the liberal media, nor election officials, nor law enforcement seem to have much interest in investigating that potential wrongdoing. The reaction has largely boiled down to “nothing to see here!” or else to so-called “fact checks” that criticize the technology used to analyze the problems the film documents, rather than actually use the information D’Souza presents to investigate the credibility of the claims being made.
Von Spakovsky: Latest Cases of Election Fraud Underline Need for Vigilance and Action
Election integrity continues to be an important issue to citizens across the country, regardless of their political affiliation. While many politicians on the left continue to downplay the issue of election fraud to the dismay of their constituents, threats to free and fair elections continue at an alarming rate,
Press Release: Allen West — Intolerance Leads to Cultural Suicide
Have you ever wondered which group is the most “extreme political organization in the United States?” Perhaps the Ku Klux Klan? How about Antifa? Maybe the Weather Underground? Or what about the Westboro Baptist Church crowd? Nope. According to President Joe Biden, the most extreme political organization is “those MAGA people.”
Allen West: No More Tolerating the Intolerant
When tolerance becomes a one way street, it leads to cultural suicide -- Col. Allen West I have shared the aforementioned quote often, mainly when addressing the scourge of Islamic jihadism and terrorism in the West. However, there is a clear and present reason to apply this same quote to present day America and the scourge of progressive socialism.
Allen West: To Support and Defend…
I pray everyone had a truly blessed Resurrection weekend; that is what this past weekend was about. It was about one person, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, laying down His life for us to have eternal life. Last week I was honored to narrate Haydn's string quartet, The Last Seven Words of Christ on the Cross. It was humbling to read and explain the meaning of Christ's final words spoken from the cross.As well, this weekend allowed me to reflect back on some other words, four of which are the title of this missive. They are words that some men and women have vowed over the years in America. They are the words that have committed these Americans to sacrifice and perhaps make the last full measure of devotion—to give their lives--so that others can have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.