ACRUs Blackwell: DeSantis is right: A state election crimes agency will make elections more secure

The Left and their liberal media allies love to point to the low number of election crimes prosecuted as proof that there is little to no voter fraud. They claim these low figures prove we have secure elections and that we do not need election integrity reforms.There is one major problem with this argument. Far too often, county election supervisors refer election crimes to county prosecutors, and these referrals gather dust. Prosecuting election crimes requires resources, time, and expertise of election law that most local county prosecutors do not have. Prosecutors also face political pressure to not prosecute election crime cases.

ACRU’s Ken Blackwell chairs the America First Policy Institute’s Center for Election Integrity in Cooperative Effort to Protect America’s Election System

The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) announced today that ACRU Policy Board Member and former Ohio Secretary of State, Ken Blackwell, is chairing the America First Policy Institute's Center for Election Integrity in a cooperative effort to encourage citizen involvement in protecting American elections.

ACRU’s Blackwell: Baseball strikes out on protecting American voters

ACRU's Ken Blackwell is a shareholder of the Cincinnati Reds, and has a wonderful family association with the history of black baseball. In this interview on Chicago's The Answer radio program, he gives his view on the MLB moving the All Star game away from the workers of Atlanta based on the lie that the Georgia voting law is racist. Vote safety laws protect ALL voters of every race.

ACRU calls on Pennsylvania to Protect Military Votes in the Presidential Election

The American Constitutional Rights Union calls upon the State of Pennsylvania to demonstrate their honor and respect for the U.S. Armed Services by ensuring that they adhere to the deadlines set by the state which guarantees that Pennsylvania servicemen and women will have their ballots counted if received by November 10, 2020 at 5pm EST. Https://