Von Spakovsky: Rank “Ranked Choice Voting” Dead Last for Georgia
Alaska and Maine have implemented “ranked choice voting,” a confusing, chaotic method of voting. Georgia should not follow suit. “Ranked choice” really should be referred to as “rigged choice,” since it effectively disenfranchises voters and allows marginal candidates not supported by a majority of voters to win elections.
Von Spakovsky: Numbers Don’t Lie: America’s Border Crisis Is Biden-Made
The Biden administration’s open-border policies and its refusal to fully enforce federal immigration laws have imposed huge costs on local communities across the country. Border states are groaning under the enormous cost of sheltering, feeding, educating, policing, and providing medical care for tens of thousands of illegal aliens.
Von Spakovsky: Partisan opportunism on the city council
Despite their claims to the contrary, the nine liberal members of the Boston City Council displayed crass, partisan opportunism by recently voting to let 16- and 17-year-olds vote in local elections.
von Spakovsky: We Shouldn’t Be Promoting Voting by Mail
A polling place under the bipartisan supervision of election officials and the observation of poll watchers has numerous advantages. It helps ensure not only that the ballots are completed by the registered voters and deposited in a locked, sealed ballot box, but also that the voters’ eligibility and identity are verified; that no voters are pressured or coerced to vote a particular way by candidates, party activists, and political guns-for-hire, who are all prohibited from being inside the polling place; and that no ballots get “lost” in the mail or not delivered on time.
Von Spakovsky: Key Part of Constitution in Play as Supreme Court Hears Election Case
The Supreme Court heard oral arguments Wednesday in Moore v. Harper, a case that turns on the meaning of a key provision in the Constitution outlining the Framers’ structure for congressional elections.
Maricopa Mulligan
I do not think it is wrong to say the 2022 midterm election in Maricopa County, Arizona must be redone . . . in golf it is called a Mulligan. #MulliganInMaricopa