Von Spakovsky: As The Dust Settles From Election Day, A Mixed Victory For Election Integrity Appears
The final results in the Nov. 8 elections heralded several important changes to state election-integrity laws across the country. While some of the initiatives, approved via ballot referendums, will improve the integrity of state elections, others are more invidious, making elections in those states more insecure.
Lesson of the Kobayashi Maru
It is time we understand the program and seek to reprogram it so that we can have fair elections and restore the confidence of Americans in the system.
When Voting Was Easy
We have gone from a process that was relatively simple, easy, and disruption-free, to a time when we are now told you don't get results for a week.
Von Spakovsky: Poll Observers Are Essential to Honest Elections
There is a reason the U.S. State Department and organizations like the Carter Center routinely send teams of American observers to fledgling democracies all over the world: they recognize that transparency is essential to ensuring honest elections. That requires observers to be able to watch every aspect of the voting and ballot-counting process without being intimidated or interfered with.
Our Constitutional Republic still Stands
Howdy, y'all; it is the day after November 8th, and guess what? The world did not come to an end. Furthermore, we did not experience the end of democracy. First, let's have a short little
Lori Roman Discusses Election Integrity on the Texas Values Report Podcast
Guest Lori Roman of The American Constitutional Rights Union discussing election integrity.