mail in voting

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von Spakovsky: We Shouldn’t Be Promoting Voting by Mail

A polling place under the bipartisan supervision of election officials and the observation of poll watchers has numerous advantages. It helps ensure not only that the ballots are completed by the registered voters and deposited in a locked, sealed ballot box, but also that the voters’ eligibility and identity are verified; that no voters are pressured or coerced to vote a particular way by candidates, party activists, and political guns-for-hire, who are all prohibited from being inside the polling place; and that no ballots get “lost” in the mail or not delivered on time.

CHRISTIAN ADAMS: Nevada’s Vote By Mail System Is A Total Disaster

2020 was the first time Nevada’s elections were conducted by mass vote by mail. 2020 should have been the last time Nevada relied on the United States Post Office to run an election. The warning signs were there. Photos from 2020 showed mail ballots blowing in the winds on Nevada roads. Some went to vacant lots and mines. Others ended up in landfills.

Starbucks asks labor board to suspend mail-in ballot union elections, alleging misconduct in voting process

When you disagree with the anticipated results, you flip-flop to complain about integrity issues with mail-in voting...Starbucks is asking the federal labor board to suspend all mail-in ballot union elections nationwide, alleging misconduct in the voting process by the board's personnel and the union organizing its baristas.

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