
Ranked Choice Voting is Bad News!

Advocates are pushing Ranked-Choice Voting at nearly every local and state level. Why? Proponents claim that Ranked-Choice Voting allows voters to express their preferences for multiple candidates and ensures that the ultimate winner is the candidate with the most overall support rather than just the one with the most first-choice votes. While this may sound nice in theory, in practice, it’s a scheme allowing candidates with a minority of voter support to win through mathematical technicalities. Here's what you need to know about how Ranked-Choice Voting really works and the dangers it brings.

Live Free TV: Election Integrity Threats with Gina Swoboda of the Voter Reference Foundation

Live Free TV Host Allen West welcomes Gina Swoboda of the Voter Reference Foundation to discuss the millions of voter roll irregularities, the potential problems with large-scale mail-out ballot programs, voting by non-citizens, and other threats to free and fair elections.

Foreign Interference? How Non-Citizens Are Voting in American Elections

This month marks the 30th anniversary of President Bill Clinton signing the National Voter Registration Act into law. You probably know the law as "Motor Voter." It is the federal requirement that requires state motor vehicle offices to offer voter registration and the ability to update your address. Sounds convenient? Now, we have data showing one of the side effects of Motor Voter is to put non-citizens onto American voter rolls.

Von Spakovsky: Rank “Ranked Choice Voting” Dead Last for Georgia

Alaska and Maine have implemented “ranked choice voting,” a confusing, chaotic method of voting. Georgia should not follow suit. “Ranked choice” really should be referred to as “rigged choice,” since it effectively disenfranchises voters and allows marginal candidates not supported by a majority of voters to win elections.

von Spakovsky: Non-citizens voting in California: Judge says no, even in left-wing state

Sometimes, common sense can prevail – even in far-out California. Last week, California Superior Court Judge Richard B. Ulmer Jr. ruled that only U.S. citizens have the right to vote. In this, he echoed an earlier ruling by the New York Supreme Court.

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