Have you had trouble voting or making sure your vote is counted? Do you know anyone who has? Let us know your experiences so we can take action. Call us or contact us using the form below.
Protect Military Votes is a project of the American Constitutional Rights Union designed to encourage military voting and ensure all votes cast by members of the United States military and their family members are counted—and honored.
The mission of Protect Military Votes, a project of American Constitutional Rights Union, is to protect the votes of those protecting us.
There have been numerous cases of military ballots mishandled by local election officials, and we believe these votes should be honored with the highest level of efficiency and integrity.
The goal of Protect Military Votes is to:
One in six U.S. military voters didn’t vote in 2018 because their absentee ballot arrived late or not at all, according to the Federal Voting Assistance Program.
As former members of the U.S. military who have proudly served our nation, we express our support for Constitutional freedom and liberty. We also pledge to continue to fight to protect the integrity of our most cherished civil right — free and fair elections.
Visit the Committee to Support and Defend — the nation’s only constitutional conservative military and veterans support organization.
When a citizen leaves leaves home and family to risk all fighting for our freedoms, they shouldn’t have to worry about whether their vote will be counted. The shocking reality is that our service members abroad face obstacles that hinder their basic right to vote. From difficulty getting absentee ballots, to processes that bring into question whether their vote will even be counted, our military personnel struggle to do what we at home take for granted.
“Nowhere is the right to vote more sacred than when it resides in the hands of America’s warfighters. It is the responsibility of all citizens and government officials to ensure every military ballot is sent and received and each military vote properly counted. As the men and women of the U.S. military protect us here and abroad, we must protect their voices in the political process.”
Hon. Kenneth Blackwell, Former Secretary of State (Ohio), ACRU Action Board of Directors
“I have fought to defend our great Republic on the battlefield alongside great patriots. Now it is time for us to defend the fundamental rights of all soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines to cast their votes for those who would lead our nation. We must ensure that local election officials give every member of the military the opportunity to vote in a timely manner, in accordance with federal laws. We must protect military votes.”
LTC Allen B. West (US Army, Retired), Member, 112th US Congress
“I recognize that getting the ballots out on time requires a special effort by the Local Election Official (LEO). I submit that this is a small accommodation to make to facilitate the enfranchisement of the brave young men and women who are away from home and prepared to lay down their lives in defense of our country. Were it not for the sacrifices of military personnel, from the American Revolution to the Global War on Terrorism, none of us would have the opportunity to vote in free elections.”
Samuel F. Wright, Captain, JAGC, USN (Ret.)
Military Voting Issues in the News
Forget Open Borders. This Crazy Law Opens Voting Booths to Aliens
The cherry blossoms aren’t the only things blooming early this year in Washington. Radical ideas have been blossoming in the D.C. City Council, too—ideas that will both disenfranchise and endanger the city’s citizens.
Opinion: Move school board elections to boost parent turnout
Today, state legislators have an important opportunity to help ensure that the voices of all Americans are heard. As the American experiment continues, state governments can adapt their laws to structures that protect the rights of all citizens. Legislatures in the states now face an opportunity to do just that and expand the accessibility of the ballot to all voters.
Allen West’s Steadfast & Loyal Podcast with guest Lori Roman
Allen West discusses election integrity with American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) President Lori Roman.
Texas Social Worker Charged With 134 Counts Involving Election Fraud
A social worker in the Mexia State Supported Living Center has been charged with 134 felony counts in an election fraud investigation.
Biden’s DHS Reveals How It Plans To Interfere In U.S. Elections
In its latest attempt to interfere in the electoral process, the Biden administration announced on Monday that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is planning to award millions of taxpayer dollars to local governments throughout the country for so-called “election security” purposes.
Jason Snead: The Ranked-Choice Voting Virus Spreads To Utah
"A guinea pig.” That is what Sandy, Utah Mayor Monica Zoltanski said that “ranked-choice voting” (RCV) made of her hometown. The town opted into Utah’s controversial RCV pilot program, but the experiment has not gone well. The cost-saving promised by proponents never materialized, but the real alarm bells should have sounded when the experiment produced voter confusion and voter disengagement.Yet instead of ending this failed pilot program, Utah legislators are now considering a bill to expand ranked-choice voting to primary elections for state and federal office.
Join the fight to protect the voting rights of our military service men and women. Far too many military votes are not counted – and you can help.
Sign our petition to show Congress and state governments that we won’t rest until every service member has easy access to voting and that each military vote is counted.
Thank you for your support!